Familiar Scenery
Explore - Chapter 2

We have only just arrived at the academy, and we're already being sent out to take care of bandits.

It is a noble mission, but one that will likely require battle. In practice, there is little difference between a battle and a war.

Even with the support of the Knights of Seiros, we must still brace ourselves for the challenge.

Your performance in the mock battle was exceptional, Professor. You have inspired me to follow your example and study even more diligently.

Perhaps we could train together sometime. I would love to test myself against your sword skills again.

They had to have known the knights would be after them the moment they entered the monastery's turf.

Fine by me, though. I'm raring for some real combat experience. Any chance to grow is a good thing.

I hear you've been tasked with hunting down bandits, right? Meanwhile, my class is stuck with a downright peaceful mission.

Sounds like you'll be fighting alongside the knights too. Don't let the monastery down, Teach.

I fully accept the necessity of real battle from time to time, but it is still a surprise to be tasked with punishing bandits without warning.

It is a rather different sort of mission. It makes me wonder what the archbishop is planning...


Do you know of the Aegir family? We have long held the position of prime minister in the Empire.

The full explanation may be time-consuming. I can give you a moment to get ready, if you would like to take notes.

There's Caspar's father, Count Bergliez, the Minister of Military Affairs. Then there's Linhardt's father, Count Hevring, the Minister of Domestic Affairs.

Bernadetta's father, Count Varley, is the Minister of Religious Affairs. Hubert's father, Marquis Vestra, is the Minister of the Imperial Household.

Finally we have Duke Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and my own father, Duke Aegir, the Prime Minister.

I am more talented than anyone in my class— even Edelgard. I will lead the Empire to a bright, enlightened future.


Our first assignment is to take out some bandits? Did anyone tell Lady Rhea that people's lives are at stake?

...Is something someone has said at some point, I'm sure. OK. Not my finest attempt at humor.

Professor, you're the one taking out the bandits? Heh, that's one way to start your career at the academy.

I didn't expect they'd order us to risk our lives here. Seems a bit extreme, doesn't it?

Felix, Sylvain, and I have known each other since we were children. His Highness, as well.

Though I should warn you that both Felix and Sylvain are a bit...challenging at times.

The moment I take my eyes off them, they're off causing all kinds of trouble. It's always been that way.

Now that you're all the way over here, Professor, care to join me in some training?

After training, I love tending to the horses or burying myself in a good pile of books. Ahh, there's truly nothing better!

You don't sound terribly sure. Perhaps you are not of noble birth? After all, devotion is not as essential for a commoner.

I see. The truth is, I am not a particularly devoted believer either. But it would be unbecoming for a noble like me to neglect his prayers, wouldn't it?
Leonie & Jeralt
Seteth & Flayn

Like the other night, I went on a date with a dashing, handsome, strong, young knight. Oh, I'm a bit weak just remembering him. Anyway...

Do you know what that no-good jerk said when we got back to my room? He said, "What a mess. I'm afraid to go in there!" Can you believe it?!

You know who cares about keeping everything neat and tidy? Not me, that's who. "Afraid to go in there." Some knight he is!

Is there anything troubling you? Or is there, perhaps, something I can help you with?

You seem to be getting along well with the students. I would advise you to be confident in your abilities. The rest will fall into place in time.

Believers live their lives by her sacred wisdom. Please use the library's vast resources to learn more.

I can often be found here, so if there is ever anything you need, please do not hesitate to pay me a visit.

Are you settled in here at the monastery yet? Make sure to have a good look around! There's much to see!

Like fish! You do know about the pond behind the dining hall, right? You can fish there! Give it a try!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

We will accompany you on your assignment. We don't want anything to happen to our precious students.

If any of you run into trouble, we'll step in and help out!
Knight of Seiros

The Knights of Seiros are also known as the shining knights. We are the sword and shield of the divine Seiros.

There are many orders of knights in the world, but we are the only one that has the honor of bearing the name Seiros.

As a member of the church, you should probably study up on the history of Seiros and the knights.

Zanado, the Red Canyon, is a place of great significance to the Church of Seiros.

Even members of the church are forbidden from entering without permission.

To go trampling around in there, causing trouble... Those bandits truly are morally reprehensible.

Brigid, Almyra, Duscur... Even people from far-off lands gather here at the academy.

Word of advice, Professor. There are those who don't think kindly of such people.
Knight of Seiros

I hear the Officers Academy of the monastery was founded about two centuries ago.

The eastern region of Fódlan was being invaded by Almyra, and so the archbishop of the time took measures to prevent the border from being taken.

In order to ensure Fódlan would be safe from potential threats, she deemed it necessary to raise a generation of excellence.

That is how the establishment was founded, though its purpose has changed over the years.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Well, I do like people with a healthy curiosity. You are aware of how dangerous it is down here, yeah?

Hmm... You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

I'll be helping you out now, but just so you know, my life is still down here.

If you can't find me in the classroom on the surface, you'll likely find me here instead.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

Ah, you're that new teacher everyone's been yapping about. And yet...you look younger than me. Weird.

Ah, you're that new teacher everyone's been yapping about. Funny. Next to me, you don't look so tough.


I'm sure I must have misheard you. Either that, or you haven't the slightest inkling of where you are.

Oh...but of course. You must be the new teacher specially appointed by Lady Rhea. That is it, yes?

Rumors have been flying underground about you. Well, then! I am Constance von Nuvelle.

I prefer not to be aboveground during the day when I can help it. Unless there are storm clouds above.

Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right.

Nah. Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right.

I'd prefer not to visit the surface, if I can help it. I don't wanna run into any knights.

I come in here all the time, so I'm sure our paths will cross more. Hopefully much more!

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.
Magic Wielder

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?