Three Houses
Explore - Chapter 1B

Some believe the dignity of the Empire rests on the results of the mock battle. That's an overstatement, of course.

You should take the time to learn each student's abilities. Perhaps some extra lessons and training sessions are in order?

Enjoy the thrill of anticipation while it lasts. Soon you'll wish you had chosen to lead our house instead.

I hear there will be a mock battle soon. We must not neglect our training.

I trust that you will carefully study the strengths and weaknesses of each of your students, that you may provide effective guidance.

Regardless of the results, this battle will be a great learning experience. Even so... What is the point of competition if the aim isn't to win?

I heard about the upcoming mock battle. I want you to know, Professor, that I do not intend to lose. I hereby declare my intention to prevail at...

Goodness, listen to me. The thrill of competition has carried me away. I won't speak so formally of a class assignment in the future.

Did you hear the news, Teach? Looks like we're gonna have a good ol' mock battle between the houses!

The Golden Deer House isn't exactly what you'd call an elite group just yet, so you may want to whip everyone into shape with some extra training.

After all, competition is only fun if you win. To that end, I'd better prepare as well.

Hey, Teach! I hear there's gonna be a mock battle between the houses.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit concerned about facing an elite mercenary like you. Maybe take it easy on us, what do you say?

Dimitri and Claude are the leaders of the other two houses. Do not underestimate them.

When we take the field, it would be best not to engage the both of them at once.

If you continue to insist on distracting me, I will have no choice but to get rid of you.


The eagle, that refers to the twin-headed eagle on the Adrestian Empire's coat of arms.

And black is the traditional color of the Empire's armor, hence, "Black Eagles."

Do you know of the Aegir family? We have long held the position of Prime Minister in the Empire.

The full explanation may be time-consuming. I can give you a moment to get ready, if you would like to take notes.

There's Caspar's father, Count Bergliez, the Minister of Military Affairs. Then there's Linhardt's father, Count Hevring, the Minister of Domestic Affairs.

Bernadetta's father, Count Varley, is the Minister of Religious Affairs. Hubert's father, Marquis Vestra, is the Minister of the Imperial Household.

Finally we have Duke Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and my own father, Duke Aegir, the Prime Minister.

I am more talented than anyone in my class— even Edelgard. I will lead the Empire to a bright, enlightened future.


After that teacher ran away during our outdoor training, I figured Jeritza was a natural replacement.

I don't think I could hold my own against Jeritza in battle. I could probably take you though.

If you're not busy, would you like to join me on a little trip into town?

If I'm cooped up in this dusty old monastery for too long, it drives me absolutely crazy.

Yes, it's true that I'm the only commoner in the Black Eagle House.

I knew that before the first day of class. Those people are simply exhausting.

Professor. I hope you know I am having great abilities for reading and writing. With sadness, I still have struggles with speaking.

If my ways of speak...of speech are causing a burden, I hope you will have forgiveness.

Here at the monastery, I have had many great learnings from many great people.

I am hopeful to have learnings from you too. As forever, I will do my best trying!

You should try looking around the greenhouse sometime, if the mood strikes you. Maybe something will catch your eye!

Oh, did you come to look at the plants too? The greenhouse here is really incredible.

There are so many rare flowers I'd never seen back home. And herbs I never even knew existed!

My adoptive father is the real expert. He taught me everything I know about herbs, including how to tell them apart and how to make medicines.

You should try looking around the greenhouse sometime, if the mood strikes you. Maybe something will catch your eye!

Hey, Professor. If you've got spare time, want to join me for a trip into town?

Well, there's Dorothea, Hilda, and Mercedes. Lady Rhea's quite the beauty too. And I must admit, I've even checked out Professor Manuela once or twice.

You know, Professor, I think I'm going to like it at the Officers Academy. There are beautiful girls as far as the eye can see...

Hello, Professor! Uh, I have a teeny tiny question for you, if that's all right...

You haven't seen a man with hair the same color as mine, a scowling face, and a generally gloomy demeanor...have you?

Our house is that of the Golden Deer. Do you know the significance of that name, Professor?

Golden Deer are sacred creatures said to have protected Leicester since time immemorial.

All three of the houses have a meaning behind their name. You should feel free to ask around, if that sort of knowledge interests you.

You don't sound terribly sure. Perhaps you are not of noble birth? After all, devotion is not as essential for a commoner.

I see. The truth is, I am not a particularly devoted believer either. But it would be unbecoming for a noble like me to neglect his prayers, wouldn't it?

I'm Ignatz, in case you forgot. I'm looking forward to learning from you.

This is the Golden Deer House. You're in charge of a different house, right?

Too bad we won't see more of each other. I'm happy to learn from you, if the opportunity comes up!

It's absolutely loaded with valuable information. I only wish I wasn't burdened with the necessity of sleep, so I could spend all my hours there.

So, about the mock battle that's coming don't mind me sitting it out, do you?

As a fragile maiden, I'm useless in battle. I'll just cheer everyone on instead!

Me, I'm still not used to it. I'm not one for all this studying and training.

These are the students' quarters. To better help you supervise them, you also have a room here. Your room is here at the end.

Commoner students also reside on the first floor, while the second is primarily for students of noble birth.

As a rule, we try to avoid discrimination based on social status here. But the nobility can be quite insistent when it comes to matters of propriety.

Speaking of, it would be best for you to avoid improper conduct. I expect you to set a good example for the students.

Apparently there is to be a mock battle between the houses. Interesting, but I hope you understand that I have far more important things on my mind.

My research is proceeding slower than I would like. Your Crest is something of a challenge. Frustrating. Yet, also, quite intriguing.

I was wondering if I might get a sample of your flesh. A couple square inches would do. No? Perhaps some blood? A couple of drops on the device are all I need.

By the by, have you ever regretted a decision and wished you could go back and undo it?

It's too bad there's no lesson for how to turn back the ol' clock, huh? But I suppose a bad decision isn't worth all that fuss anyhow!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

The Imperial princess, the crown prince, and the heir to the Alliance's leading house... This is one exceptional year, that's for sure.

If you're a teacher here, you'd better watch your step. If anything were to happen to those kids...

Well, suffice to say that it could harm the reputation of the Church of Seiros, which we've spent almost a millennium establishing.
Knight of Seiros

As part of our commitment to the goddess, the knights undertake various missions across all of Fódlan.

Assisting with the education of young nobles is also a part of our sacred duty.

I hear a member of House Hresvelg, the ruling family of the Empire, has entered the Officers Academy for the first time in ages.

It is said that the Adrestian Empire's very founding was aided by none other than Saint Seiros.

Let us hope this will be a good opportunity for both parties to reforge their close relationship of years past.

There are two types of Crests. Major Crests manifest their power most effectively, while Minor Crests are slightly weaker.

It is said that the closer a person's blood relation is to various saints and Heroes, the higher their chance of bearing a Major Crest.

Of course, there are also examples of Major Crests manifesting in children whose parents bear no Crest whatsoever.


Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?