Tower of Black Winds
Explore - Chapter 5
Edelgard & Hubert

Say, I hear that a Knight of Seiros named Gilbert will be joining us for our mission this moon.

He is skilled, which is surely a boon for us. Still... That was not very thoughtful of Lady Rhea.

Ahh, well... No, I do not. Not really. All I will say is that we have trained together a few times in the past.

No... It's nothing. In any case, you should at least introduce yourself to him before we depart.

House Gautier is Sylvain's home. It would be nice of you to check on him as well.

Oof. This wasn't the first time I've taken part in an Alliance roundtable conference, but it was still exhausting.

There's not enough cooperation in that group, especially from Lorenz's father.

But at least my grandfather was surprisingly alert. Judging by that, I'd say he's got at least five more years in him.

Hey, Teach. I hear you were able to use the Sword of the Creator. That means... What does that mean?

Could it mean that you're a descendant of Nemesis, the King of Liberation?!

Swinging a sword about in the Holy Mausoleum?! The potential for damage is too great to imagine.

Were you using magic? I've heard you weren't, but— Ugh! It's torture not being able to go inside the Holy Mausoleum for an entire year.

You and your class were at that fight in the Holy Mausoleum, right? I sincerely hope the holy artifacts are unscathed.

I admit I wish I could've been there to see it all, even if it does make me queasy. But I was there too early. I'd gone first thing in the morning.

At noon, one of the monks chased me out saying I'd been there too long. Who were they to decide when I've been somewhere too long?

This is being my first time to the Kingdom's north. I hear the people of north are cold and have much loneliness.

Professor, I hear you have had work...have worked as a mercenary in the Kingdom. Did you find joy in this?

I have never had goings to the Kingdom's north. I hear the people of north are cold and have much loneliness.

Professor, I hear you have had work...have worked as a mercenary in the Kingdom. Did you find joy in this?


Have you seen a man who looks like me? He's middle-aged and relatively tall.

Think of it! The Sword of the Creator, belonging to the ancient King Nemesis.

You have to master it as soon as you can. I can't wait to face off against such a legendary weapon!

So the whole plan to attack the monastery was some plot devised by the Western Church?


I'm so sorry my older brother is causing you all this hassle, Professor.

Don't misunderstand, I always thought he was a piece of garbage, but I never thought he'd steal the Relic.

I can't wait to see his face when he realizes I'm in the group that was sent to take him down.

Isn't it strange? Saint Seiros's body was missing from her coffin, but they found a sword in its place...


Hey, Professor! Did you happen to see that man I was looking for earlier?

He... To be honest, he's my father. He's using a different name now, but there's no mistaking it. It's him. I know it is!

Hey, Professor! Did you happen to see that man I was looking for earlier?

He... To be honest, he's my father. He's using a different name now, but there's no mistaking it. It's him. I know it is!

Oh? You saw him by the entrance to the monastery? Thank you, Professor!


It appears that Claude has returned to the Alliance. And that woman who was with him— I recognized her.

I believe she is from House Daphnel. That would certainly explain her air of majesty.

It seems that our next mission is another bandit hunt. This time, I've heard that their leader is the son of a noble family.

I have heard that someone from House Gautier, one of the Kingdom of Faerghus's noble families, is causing some sort of commotion.

It seems that our next mission is another bandit hunt. This time, I've heard that their leader is the son of a noble family.

I have heard that someone from House Gautier, one of the Kingdom of Faerghus's noble families, is causing some sort of commotion.


Captain Jeralt was all furrowed brow earlier. Do you know what's got him so concerned?

Oh, Professor! Are you looking for Captain Jeralt? I just saw him in the knights' hall a little while ago.

Captain Jeralt was all furrowed brow earlier. Do you know what's got him so concerned?


How are you managing the Sword of the Creator? No problems? I hope you have not left it lying somewhere unattended or anything foolish like that.

How are you managing the Sword of the Creator? No problems? I hope you have not left it lying somewhere unattended or anything foolish like that.

How are you managing the Sword of the Creator? No problems? I hope you have not left it lying somewhere unattended or anything foolish like that.

It's awful, just awful what happened with the Rite of Rebirth. The infirmary... Well, it was a mess.

Still, the truth of it is that when someone faces death for the first time...well, they figure out who they are. They learn if they can do it again.

We can't lose them, Professor. Not to battle, or to cowardice. If you can keep them going, then I will too.


I cannot imagine the Western Church was acting on its own. Someone must have been helping them.

There's a graveyard attached to the monastery, so you'll probably find him there.

I cannot imagine the Western Church was acting on its own. Someone must have been helping them.

I cannot imagine the Western Church was acting on its own. Someone must have been helping them.


But she loved you with all her heart. That's the truest thing I know... Never forget it.

But she loved you with all her heart. That's the truest thing I know... Never forget it.

But she loved you with all her heart. That's the truest thing I know... Never forget it.

I must ask him not to distract you, Professor, nor His Highness from the matter at hand.

I am Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius. I bear the great honor of serving as a lord in the Kingdom of Faerghus.

I have come in Margrave Gautier's stead to retrieve their stolen Relic. However...

As I hear it, a group of students is to attend to this matter. I sincerely hope no harm comes to any of them.

That's not as distinguished as an archbishop, such as Lady Rhea, but it still comes with a fair amount of authority.

If someone in that position plotted an assassination, I cannot help but think it must have been instigated by some outside force.

There are bishops in the Eastern Church as well, but to speak frankly, they do not have much impact.

They are under the influence of both the archbishop and the Leicester Alliance, so their ability to voice grievances is quite limited.

Oh! Come to think of it, last month there was something to report, wasn't there? Thanks to you, I hear that everything was resolved.

I never realized that bandits had entered... I'm not a great guard after all, am I? I hope you will forgive me one day!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Knight of Seiros

House Fraldarius is a powerful noble family, linked to the founding of Faerghus.

Lord Rodrigue, its current leader, is a magnificent warrior. He's known as the Shield of Faerghus.

A dozen or so years ago, during the northern campaign in Sreng, he performed splendidly as the king's right hand.

Come to think of it, wasn't there someone from House Fraldarius amongst this year's students?
Knight of Seiros

You guys have it bad in your own way, but believe me when I say we've got it bad too.

With all that happened last month, a great many knights were dispatched to the Western Church.

And now we must set out for the Eastern Church, located in the far east of the Leicester Alliance.

If I must die in Alliance territory, I wish it wasn't in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I'd much rather go on a sightseeing trip to Derdriu.

Oh, you don't know? Derdriu is House Riegan's domain. It's called the Aquatic capital.

The Leicester Alliance is governed through roundtable conferences between the five most prominent allied dukes—the Five Great Lords.

First and foremost is Duke Riegan, the Alliance's leader. Joining him are the heads of House Goneril, House Gloucester, and House Ordelia.

Lastly, there is the newest addition, Margrave Edmund. These five each have voting power in the conferences.

Before House Edmund, it was House Daphnel that was counted amongst the five. However...

It is said that the head of that family relinquished their vote to House Edmund, which had only recently risen to significance.

Miklan? I know that guy. In northern Faerghus, he's pretty well-known...and not in a good way.

The guy does what he pleases, attacking towns in Margrave Gautier's territory relentlessly. Stealing food and even abducting women.

Hm, hate's a strong word. It's more that I think I could lead his bandits in a better way.

I know you've got one of those shinies yourself, but don't go doing anything reckless.

Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.

Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...

Hmmm. You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.

Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine you're here, then.

You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.

You're a busy one, aren't ya? Always on the road. Being a professor seems like a tough gig.

Back when I was first enrolled here, we rarely traveled. The Battle of the Eagle and Lion was about it.

This really stirs up the old memories. When I took part, my house lost. May have been my fault. It's hard to believe, but I was pretty rash back then.

Hey... Think I can join in again this year? Bet you could pull some strings and make it happen, yeah?

Oh...but of course. You must be the new teacher specially appointed by Lady Rhea. That is it, yes?

Rumors have been flying underground about you. Well, then! I am Constance von Nuvelle.

The next mission is to rout bandits in the Kingdom, is it not? I find the idea unsettling.

Though the bandits have captured a large prize, they are insigificant in and of themselves.

The matter would be more appropriately dealt with by Margrave Gautier or the Faerghus royal family.

But I fear that if Faerghus is weakened, the tipped scales will lead to widespread unrest.

But, now that you have it, the church is gonna want to use your power for their own ends. Are you gonna let that happen?


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I've been hearing about you a lot lately. Word on the street is you wield some amazing sword.

If you ever want to sell it to me, I'd pay top G! Just kidding. Sorta. It's, uh, not for sale, is it?

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.

I guess...welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.
Abysskeeper & Knight of Seiros

Actually, if I recall correctly—which is my job and passion—there were reportable happenings up top as well. That's why I'm still stuck with Mr. Backup.

Truth be told, I'm used to the guy by now. Not Yuri, though. He shoots him a pointed glare every time he walks by. Heh. How Yuri is that?

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?