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  • The ambitions of those who slither in the dark are forever shattered with Shambhala's destruction. But in the process, Rhea is grievously injured. What fate awaits her, and who will bear the weight of Fódlan on their shoulders?

Programma eventi

Prima della battaglia

  • Furia
  • Though showing brief signs of recovery, even Rhea's strength has its limits.

    Having changed form to the Immaculate One, she is unable to control her power. As if in response, priests and knights who are directly related to Rhea by blood change into White Beasts themselves.

    Facing this unexpected threat, the resistance army prepares for its final battle to save Fódlan.

Battaglia - Lo scontro finale

Dopo cinque anni di guerra, la caduta di Shambhala segna l'inizio di una nuova era di pace. Rhea, con le sue ultime forze, ti convoca per discutere del futuro del Fódlan. Ma non tutto va per il verso giusto...

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Sei qui, Madre...

Dopo la battaglia

  • A rising flame was alight as the flow of time carved a new history for Fódlan.

    Rhea's wild rampage was put to an end, averting what could have been the greatest crisis in the history of Fódlan. After five and a half years of war, a new age was set to begin.

    The Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance—all political structures that had once shaped the continent—were gone. A unified nation began to take shape under the watchful eye of the Church of Seiros.

    The church's new leader became a champion of the people, working tirelessly to help them overcome the horrors of war and to carve out a path towards reconstruction.

    Just as Saint Seiros tended to those who suffered in wars of the past, Fódlan's new ruler embraced their role as mother of all life and arbiter of every soul.