Field of Revenge
Explore - Chapter 17

When you think of it, as one approaches the end of a war, the sacrifices only grow larger, don't they?

While those of the losing side make desperate attempts to turn the war in their favor.

Neither side will give. I only wish we'd consider those who lose their lives in that struggle.

Yes, exactly my point. Let's be careful to ensure we don't lose our own lives, Professor.

Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept your own survival depends on a throw of the dice.

I can appreciate that, but just because a choice is better does not mean that it's good.

Everyone's acting like this is leading up to the final chapter in a book or something!

Is the battle ahead really going to be that climactic?! Am I not taking it seriously enough?!

You think so? All right, I believe you. I'm...ready for this. I am. Yeah! We're going to win!


When the war is ended, I will be returning to Brigid with many...much new potential.

This is the truth. I will fight with all of my strength so that I will know with certainty!

Brigid pride, techniques, and culture... I will be showing all of the world who we are!

I've been thinking about how we've got our own ideas about justice...and so does the Kingdom.

And what's coming, it's not just a battle between us and them. It's our ideals that are fighting.

Whoever wins will say they were right and the other side was wrong. And I get it. That's how it goes...

But nobody's willing to talk or compromise, so we'll fight to the death to prove the other guy's wrong.

It won't be an easy battle, but let's make sure we come back alive. Right, Professor?

Claude was known as the Master Tactician. There wasn't a situation he couldn't strategize his way out of.

Whereas, King Dimitri is known as the Tempest King. He is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

We have you, and we have Edelgard. Not to mention many other allies we can rely upon.


But the eagerness of my fellow nobles does vex me, despite so many grand displays of piety from them in the past.

It gives the impression that faith is little more than a tool they use to maintain their positions of power.

I suppose I am in no position to judge them, being among their number myself. Still, it irritates me.

If it is no longer useful as a tool, then I expect the nobles will cease to give it any credence.

What is a noble's duty, truly? I hope we will discover an answer in the conflict ahead.

When Edelgard first invited me to join this army, I, to be frank, thought her dream utterly ridiculous.

But at my advanced age, I was tempted by the notion of chasing a seemingly impossible dream through blood, sweat, and tears.

Five years on, the unification of Fódlan is slowly becoming a reality. Now I feel...

It may soon be possible to abolish the nobility, and create a world where none need suffer due to Crests.


Professor, do you mind if I complain about something, well, personal? Of course you don't.

This army is almost all single men. If that marital status came before or during the war, I'm not to say...

The point is, I'm in charge of the infirmary. I wind up treating hundreds of men every week.

I get to talk to all sorts of men, from all walks of life, all of the time. And yet...

Some may say that I'm returning her goodwill with betrayal, but I believe I've worked off my debt.

That's right. She was my partner, after all. I haven't seen her since leaving the knights...

I taught him some archery, but we are of different birth and hold different values.

I can see her coming to slaughter me. Driven by her mixed emotions of love and hate.

My brother had sorted out all his personal affairs, but apparently he'd forgotten about his work duties.

So now I've got a ton more work on my plate... Oh, Brother, why must you be so careless...

Once this war is over, I'm gonna take a vacation and get some well-earned rest back home with my mother.

I thought the same thing last month, but I still can't believe the plan was to ambush Arianrhod...

I know it couldn't be helped, but even I wasn't let in on the secret. Me! Not gonna lie...that hurt a little.

Ah well, let's forget about that! I'm praying for your victory and your safe return!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Former Monk

The first emperor and his army, with the aid of Seiros, set out on a campaign to the north with the aim of unifying Fódlan.

Meanwhile, in the northern reaches of Fódlan, Nemesis, the King of Liberation, raised an army to take down the Empire...

As a result, the conflict ended in a victory for the Empire. It's known as the Battle of Tailtean.

I know Edelgard is saying it's the church's fault, and she hasn't been shy to express that. But...that doesn't seem right to me.

My take? There exist some dangerous folks capable of destroying strongholds with ease...

Some think that all we have to do is take down Fhirdiad to end the war, but I don't think it's quite that simple.

So it's finally time to take on Fhirdiad. Can't wait to get in there and show 'em what I'm made of!

They say he has inhuman strength, yeah? Best way to find out is to throw fists with the guy.

It's war, pal. If you can't be blunt on the battlefield, what are we even fighting for?

He may be the Tempest King of Fhirdiad, but I'm the Grappling King of the world! My domain is way bigger.

Grab a front-row seat if you can manage. These arms of mine will knock some sense back into that towhead of his.

I must surpass myself in the struggle to come if Her Majesty is to recognize my power.

But don't you see? Your presence would diminish the grandeur of my achievements!

The culmination of all my studies, all my magical experiments, shall be unleashed in battle!

You must send me into the field, that I might achieve greatness in full view of Her Majesty!

But don't you see? Your presence would diminish the grandeur of my achievements!

The culmination of all my studies, all my magical experiments, shall be unleashed in battle!

If we win this next battle, it won't just be a victory against the Kingdom, but also the church.

Maybe they'll all die—even the people from the church who lied to me and locked me up.

I don't care either way. If they died, I would say, "Well, that happened," and move on.


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

The war is careening headfirst toward its grand finale. Do me a favor and get through this mess alive, OK?

After the dust settles, maybe I'll go on to guard other entrances in other parts of the world. I'm a dreamer, my friend. Always have been.

I hear there was a pretty spectacular battle up there recently, but we don't hear a lot about that stuff.

There was a lot of talk when it first started, but five years on... It's just a fact of life.

What? There have been lots of battles on the surface recently? I hadn't heard! See what I mean?!

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?