The Chaos of War
Explore - Chapter 19

But that weird pillar of light changes things. It's pretty scary, honestly... I wonder what it is...

Well, that is how the legend goes in Ailell. If it really was the rage of the goddess, let's do our best not to enrage her ever further.

Makes sense. But whatever it was, I've never seen destructive power quite like it. I wonder where it came from...

You think it's natural? What, the planet just up and decided to take a shot at the fort? I dunno, Teach.

Well, I guess pondering it is a waste of energy for now. Let's just get ready to move out.

The capital is Edelgard's domain, so she has the advantage. It's going to be a tough battle.

They used to call Enbarr the city of Seiros... To assault it, together with the knights, is surreal.

In Enbarr, there was once a Southern Church, and apparently a bishop was dispatched to it.

Until five years ago, the Empire and the church maintained a certain distance from one another.

I don't have many good memories of her if I'm being honest, but she's dearer to me than my father.

If you happen to see her, please make sure she's not caught up in all the fighting.

She's only a civil servant, so hopefully she takes a cue from her Bernie and stays inside.

So Enbarr, the capital of the Empire. It's finally time. I never thought I'd live this long.

It's like any battle, really—stay calm, stay focused. Don't give in to the enemy or your own fear.

Hey, I'm always serious! When I'm chasing girls or preparing for battle, always serious. That's me...


My hope is for a world at peace. A world in which this present turmoil is a thing of the past—the stuff of legends.

I believe those who survive the atrocities of war have a duty to create a new, better world.

We must win, Professor. There is no alternative here. I won't allow for anything else.

I was taught from a young age to believe that the creed of Seiros was just the way of the world.

But Claude and Edelgard are different. They challenge the common wisdom. Even defy it.

It is uncomfortable to discard familiar assumptions. But that is an essential quality of the visionary.

Indeed, true greatness must lie beyond common sense. Hmm, that's good. I should write that down.

We're finally going to the capital. This will be my chance to avenge Captain Jeralt.

Monica killed Captain Jeralt for the Flame Emperor, and the Flame Emperor was Edelgard.

I know that the future of all Fódlan rests on this battle. Nothing else is more important.

But for me, this is personal. For Captain Jeralt's sake, I'm going to give it all I've got and more!

In the opera, actors came and went all the time. But the people behind the scenes would stay forever.

They've probably left the capital by now. Although... I'm still worried about them.

Momentum's really picking up for this final battle, huh? Even I'm starting to feel tense! Me!

Enbarr's history goes back 1,400 years. That even predates the founding of the Empire.

But hey, no need to worry about the monastery while you're fighting the final battle. I've got it covered! I'll defend it to my last!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Alliance Knight

Reinforcements from the Alliance are still incoming. Perhaps we can least until we have an even balance of power.

Plenty of supplies have made it through from the Eastern Church and the Merchant's Association in the Alliance.

All the people of the Alliance believe we can win, so they're doing everything they can to support us.


Of course, the Alliance is making sure that the Five Great Lords help with the effort, but we'll be getting support from the smaller territories too.

I'll bet this is the first time those territories have worked so closely together, at least since the founding of the Alliance.

Just recently, the fish in the pond suddenly started thrashing around like mad.

I didn't know what was going on, and then I saw something gleaming in the southeastern sky.

It happened right when you were out on campaign. I wonder what it could have been...

There are all kinds of rumors about you spreading through the Alliance. Some say you're the new embodiment of Saint Seiros herself!


The Empire's army should be divided now, with significant troops still in the west.

If they don't assert their authority over the old Kingdom's lords, they'll never know when an uprising might start.

Ironically, as soon as we capture the Imperial capital, the old Kingdom's lords are likely to rise up immediately.
Knight of Seiros

If so, then our strategy will be to gain control of the streets, and then assault the castle.

A street battle followed by a castle invasion... It's just one battle after another. It'll be tough, but we have to win. For Lady Rhea.

Nader the Undefeated... With a name like that, he's bound to put up a damn-good fight.

Did you get a good look at Judith? She practically had hearts floating out of her eyeballs when she looked at Nader.

You saw it too? Heh, I know that look well. She's got it bad. Honestly, they'd make a cute couple.

Pretty dense, aren't ya? Trust me, pal. No one's seen more heart-eyed women than this guy. She's got it bad.

Pretty dense, aren't ya? Trust me, pal. No one's seen more heart-eyed women than this guy. She's got it bad.


Destroying the walls that separate Fódlan from the outside world strikes me as a bold step.

I've spent so long struggling to reclaim the past that Claude's vision of the future casts me in a poor light.

Ensuring that the tradition of House Nuvelle continues uninterrupted is a noble task!

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

Remember that battle six years ago? Oh... Um, I'm guessing you do. Anyway, remember that knight who watched over Abyss with me for a while?

I've been on the hunt for his whereabouts and... I finally found out what happened to him.

My no longer with us. Dead. Figured as much, but now I know for sure. I did get to meet his big sister, at least.

I'll never have the chance to thank him for our time together...but maybe I can find a way to help out his sister instead. Bet he would have liked that.

Those lights that came down on Merceus...I might have seen them before, here at Garreg Mach.

They looked like they'd rain down right on top of us, but at the last moment, they veered off...

I think they crashed into Ailell. It must have been the goddess's blessing that protected us.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?