The City Without Light
Explore - Chapter 21

We crushed the Empire at long last... But there's no time to bask in our victory. We must prepare for the coming battle.

Now, we have a chance to make the first move against them. We have Hubert to thank for that.

It's also thanks to him that we were able to rescue Rhea. I still have plenty of questions I'd like to ask her.

Well, if we plan to have her march into battle with us again, we'd better let her recuperate.

Sadly, I agree. After we return from the next battle, we'll ask her all of our burning questions.

Rhea is the only one who gets a break, though. Everyone else had better start preparing for battle.

She was also the one to put my father under house arrest, so now he's been released, and he's taken charge of House Varley.


He sacrificed his own life so that all the soldiers and officers who fought could be given quarter...

When I heard that... I don't know...that simple act of humanity... I couldn't help it. I burst into tears.

He sacrificed his own life so that all the soldiers and officers who fought could be given quarter...

When I heard that... I don't know...that simple act of humanity... I couldn't help it. I burst into tears.

You know Count Bergliez is Caspar's father, right? I can't even imagine how Caspar must feel about it.

We've all heard the legend of Nemesis, the King of Liberation. But now Lady Rhea is saying Nemesis was just some kind of thief.

But I guess that's the nature of history. I wonder what the generations that come after us will say about the battle we're about to fight.

A mysterious power, threatening the very future of Fódlan? Certainly we cannot give it leeway.

In comparison to this, the internal power struggles in the Alliance are utterly trivial.

Perhaps I will have the opportunity to strike the decisive blow on the enemy commander. That would secure my place in history for certain!

Those who slither in the dark... It seems we'll finally discover their true form.

I get the sense that they're in league with the mages who experimented on me as a child.

But whatever their motives, what they have done is unforgivable. They must be exterminated.

"Shambhala" it was called, right? Scary that it's so close to the House Goneril territories.

But he says that I can represent House Goneril without his help. That I have it in me.

I'm glad he recognizes that I have some ability. Still, I wish he wasn't leaving it all to me.

Rhea is sleeping right now. If it is not absolutely urgent, please do not disturb her rest.

The long confinement took its toll on her health. Truthfully, she is in no shape to be exerting herself at all—to say nothing of a military expedition.

To make matters worse, we are now facing a very old enemy. One that has conspired against us since time out of mind.


I don't know if everyone survived, but it looks like they should be able to mount a revival.

I suspect I may refuse though. We're at the dawn of something new. No reason to look backwards, eh?

I don't know if everyone survived, but it looks like they should be able to mount a revival.

I suspect I may refuse though. We're at the dawn of something new. No reason to look backwards, eh?

I can hardly believe you managed to handle the capital city like that. Everyone did sterling work!

I really thought we'd know peace after that battle. But we're not quite there yet, huh?
Knight of Seiros
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

You did it! I never thought I'd live to see the day that the Empire was conquered!

I thought that would put an end to the war, but I hear there are still hostile forces to contend with.

I hope you'll be able to put an end to this conflict, and found a new Fódlan in which the free market can thrive!
Knight of Seiros

I wish we could afford for her to have a good long rest... But that just isn't possible.
Knight of Seiros

Fighting against enemies whose true nature is unknown is honestly really scary. Still...

If there's a force in this world that clearly means us harm, we have no choice but to fight back.


I heard that Lady Rhea's back! But why hasn't she shown herself to everyone yet?


I thought defeating the Empire would be the end of it, but now we're after some mysterious shadow organization? For crying out loud...

If only Holst had come along for the ride. But he's working out things with Almyra or something, yeah?

Even so, maybe we better warn him about those- who-whatever-in-the-dark. They might be whatevering in his neck of the woods too.

Me aside, no one's on the same level as Holst. If the Alliance is attacked while he's gone, they'll be in trouble.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

I hear we conquered the Imperial capital...but the war's still not over? Not sure how much sense that makes, but then, making sense of things isn't my job.

Look out for yourself in the next battle. Got it? I'll have lots more things to report by then. That's a promise. In the meantime, I'll be cheering you on.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?