Fódlan's New Dawn
Explore - Chapter 22

Rhea's real identity is Saint Seiros, and the one who attacked us was Nemesis, the King of Liberation!

On top of that, you've got the heart of the goddess in you! My flabber is completely gasted right now.

But now isn't the time for standing around in disbelief. Nemesis has made it this far for a reason.

If we aren't victorious, that's it for Fódlan's new dawn. The world will be forever shrouded in darkness...

This is the final, FINAL battle. Finally. My friend... Please give it your all out there!

The javelins of light that destroyed Fort Merceus... They are what destroyed Shambhala.

Maybe the javelins of light were a signal to Nemesis. To awaken him from his long slumber.

Oh! Really? Hm. Maybe I got a couple of things wrong, but I thought I was pretty close...

If we keep up this momentum, we will be able to take down Nemesis and restore peace in Fódlan.

When you think of it, as one approaches the end of a war, the sacrifices only grow larger, don't they?

While those of the losing side make desperate attempts to turn the war in their favor.

Neither side will give. I only wish we'd consider those who lose their lives in that struggle.

Yes, exactly my point. Let's be careful to ensure we don't lose our own lives, Professor.

Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept your own survival depends on a throw of the dice.

I can appreciate that, but just because a choice is better does not mean that it's good.

And he was hidden away for over a thousand years. Wow, that's a really long time all to himself...


Just when we think we're in the clear, the legendary Fell King resurrects. Who'd have thought it?

I don't know how much of this Nemesis guy is a legend and how much is true, but I know this...

I want to— I'm going to survive. I've spent this whole war afraid I'd die. Not anymore. I'm going to live.

I mean, I'll still fight like I want to die because that's worked so far, and why change at this late date, right?


A sudden invasion from Nemesis has plunged the Alliance territories into complete disarray.

Against such overwhelming strength, my father and his forces had no choice but to retreat.

It was certainly prudent for him to avoid a fruitless death. But as things stand, he will not leave much of an impression on history.

So that falls to me. I will do all that I can—for the future of Fódlan, and the glory of House Gloucester!
Lysithea & Marianne

As long as they're around, we can expect them to continue with their cruel experiments.

Yes. We have to. It's the only way to ensure nobody else will go through what I went through.

We must obliterate them in the next battle. It's the only recompense for Edelgard's death.

So, we're defending Fódlan's future, huh? Kind of makes my mercenary ambitions feel pretty small.

So I'll think about my promise to Captain Jeralt to protect you instead. That'll be my reason to fight.

If I can get you through this in one piece, that's just as good as defending Fódlan's future, isn't it?


Before the monastery was completed, there was a massive battle on the Tailtean Plains.

In that battle, the warrior Seiros defeated the Fell King Nemesis and reclaimed the bones and heart of Sothis.

Now, Rhea...Seiros...lies helpless. The only one who can defeat this so-called King of Liberation is the inheritor of divine power.

You have our full and unwavering support. Only you can do this. Please, save this world.

Shambhala... An underground city with an entirely different lineage than the goddess?

Strange phenomena, driven by a source totally alien to the Crests that we understand. Most unsettling!

Could it be magic? Some manner of technology? I would like to know the truth of it all. Very much so.

I want to know their history, their knowledge. Why do you suppose they chose this place to occupy?

I intend to carry out multiple excavations around the city. There is so much to learn!

Yet first we face battle with a king who has defied time. Hmm, yes. The excavations can wait, I think.

Life can be tough, you know? But if you've got your friends to help you through, it can be a lot easier.

Maybe you butt heads sometimes...but that's OK. That's how you build bonds, right?

And I've got friends, Professor. Plenty of those. It's true love that seems to have passed me by.


Professor! I just have to say thanks! For everything! I'm on high alert today, so don't you worry about a thing.

This mysterious military force approaching Garreg Mach... Is it true that Nemesis is with them?!

It was Nemesis who led the 10 Elites against Saint Seiros. It's the stuff of legend.

But this time, he won't have the 10 Elites on his side. Right? He won't, right?!
Knight of Seiros
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Alliance Knight

Fódlan is essentially no more... We have nothing standing between us and Nemesis.


Just when I thought bringing the Empire down would end the war, you had to fight where? Against whom?


Wasn't she supposed to be resting? I can't believe she'd put herself in danger by going into battle in that state...

Knight of Seiros

I can hardly believe we're going to go up against Nemesis... Unfortunately, my doubt won't change the situation.

There's nothing for it but to prepare for battle! We must protect Lady Rhea!

Between the two of us, we can't lose. Not to mention our allies. We've escaped death, and we'll do it again.

Damn straight! Between the two of us, we can't lose. Not to mention our allies. Death has nothin' on us.

I swear to avenge Holst! Huh? He doesn't have to be dead to be avenged. Don't play semantics with me!

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

A nosy little bird told me some undead jerk is coming to attack us. That's just silly, though. Puuure silly.

On a personal note... I'm, uh, chewing on an idea. Marriage. I'm thinking of getting hitched! If I do... I may have to move up top.

I'd like to leave this place on my own two feet, not in a body bag. I want to live! For her. So... please win this one, Professor. Do it for all of us.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?