Lady of Deceit
Explore - Chapter 16

Honestly, I did not expect such strident supporters of the archbishop as Seteth and Flayn to flee.

But with this victory, we have all but cornered the Church of Seiros and its knights.

The power of Seteth and Flayn was certainly a sight to behold. The archbishop's supporters were strong.

But with this victory, we have all but cornered the Church of Seiros and its knights.


Dimitri, the King of Faerghus. He despises Edelgard and everything she stands for.

I am of the opinion that a man seized by such strong feelings is not fit to be king. It is a sad situation, really.

If he cannot suppress his emotions to make reasoned decisions, he should abdicate.

No, they cannot. Kingly judgment has to be wholly separate from the emotions of the individual.


There are stories of Heroes' Relics a thousand years ago of which we have no real evidence today.

So many, in fact, that I'm led to wonder if those Relics are nothing more than legends...

Especially since we know of Relics like those passed down in the families of the 10 Fódlan Elites.

I've got a dream, you know. I don't know if it'll come true, but it's nice to hope.

Remember when I went to Brigid, with Petra? I drew a picture of some of the flowers I saw there.

I wanna fill a whole book with drawings of the biggest plants I see! And the carnivorous ones especially! Oh, I hope I get the chance...

I've got a dream, you know. Not that I think it'll actually come true, but it's nice to hope.

I'd like to get out of Fódlan and travel across the sea. Maybe to Dagda. Maybe even past that.

I want to see all the wild jungles out there, the huge flowers, and—oh—the carnivorous plants!

I know it's not realistic, and I know it's probably impossible, but that's what I'd like.

After he wins, there won't be anything left. He'll be a storm, leaving nothing behind.

You know, even back at the Officers Academy, he never had much to do with anyone from the Empire.

We'll be fighting Dimitri and his troops soon. We all oughta train a little harder if we want to stay alive.

I used to live there, you know. Though that was before my time in the Officers Academy.

No, of course not. There is a school of magic there, which I was enrolled in for a time.

Trouble within the Kingdom forced me to return to Alliance lands. There was much I had yet to learn.

Even though we're denying the doctrine and fighting the knights, I keep praying to the goddess...

When I think about those who have fallen in battle... I...I have no choice but to pray.

The goddess of the church may be a fallacy, but I'm sure she still exists in some form.


That's the site of the ancient battle where Nemesis, the King of Liberation, fought the prophet Seiros.

Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.
Former Monk

Now that we've even lost Seteth, the possibility of the church returning to its former power is slim.

Today I came to beg the goddess to grant me leave to quit my position. From tomorrow, I live by my own values.

You must know about the Western Church in the Kingdom, and the Eastern Church in the Alliance.

But you probably don't know about the Southern Church. It used to exist a long time ago, in Enbarr.

The bishop of the Southern Church who participated was exiled by the furious emperor.

After that, the Empire reconciled with the Central Church, but relations continued to be strained.

That history has probably laid the groundwork for the current antagonism among the Empire's citizens.

The church smiles warmly on all who pay reverence, but defy them, and... Well, that's another story.

The way the Knights of Seiros fight is cold-blooded and ruthless. Coming from me, you get the implications.

Yeah, somehow. There are no good ways out of here, so we're lucky they never came through.

Yeah... Although it was a draw, I'm relieved it ended without the monastery being captured.


So about this surprise attack. It's all over if the details leak, yeah? I know my shoulders are broad, but you sure you wanna lay a secret like that on 'em?

I'm no war hero. In fact, I'm a wanted man. If I were you, I wouldn't trust me with something that important...

Wait a minute. By "she," do you mean Edelgard? Ha! I didn't know she had eyes for me.

Huh. I just got a sudden chill, like someone's got it out for me. It's not you, is it? Nah... You wouldn't. Your shoes are too goody.

Hard to say, but the bounty hunters have been off my back lately. Maybe my debts are finally forgotten...

Fhirdiad at last... The very city where I struggled through school and mastered the art of spellcraft!

So many memories are bound up there, and now it is to become a battlefield... I am a bit overwhelmed.

Aha, I...I am quite the thespian, it's true. You, on the other hand, need to learn your cue.

To fool the enemy, one must first deceive one's allies. The walls have ears, you know.

The lady who captured me after I ran away from my village. I wonder if she remembers me...

Honestly, I don't wanna go anywhere near her. But if I have to, it won't be much different than any other fight.

That's how it goes, right? If we wanna end this war, we have to keep charging forward, no matter who's on the other side.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.
Abysskeeper & Imperial Soldier

As you know, I'm the anointed alpha of Abyss. But this lady's been standing watch for a while. She can probably hear us talking even now...

Yes, I can. I'm here by order of Lord Hubert. That is all I'm at liberty to reveal at present.

Wow. Impressive. You've really got a knack for this, lady. Ever think of making this a full-time gig? I could use the company... I mean, the backup.


I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?