The Golden Deer's Plea
Explore - Chapter 19

While people were dying left and was Cornelia who saved the Kingdom from that dreadful illness.

Neither can I. By the time I was old enough to understand, that time had already passed.

No, I hear she was originally an Imperial scholar. She was in the Kingdom by my father's invitation.

But there came a day when she completely changed. Her behavior, mannerisms, likes, dislikes...everything.

Despite all that, Father still appointed her to a high post. After all, she had saved the Kingdom from ruin by that disease...

But above all, my stepmother trusted her. That's why what that woman said is... Never mind.

Ah, so you do think about such questions. You can never find answers though, right?

We cannot turn back time, so there is no way to go back and try a different path.

Ah, so you do think about such questions. You can never find answers though, right?

We cannot turn back time, so there is no way to go back and try a different path.


Claude... Claude... Which one was he again? Oh! Right. Yeah, of course I remember him.

It's just... I can't picture his face. Don't remember what he looks like. I'm not sure if I ever knew.

Margrave Gautier has assumed his position, and is now gathering the lords of the eastern territories.

These lords are reorganizing the Faerghus army, and eradicating any remaining factions that claim allegiance to the Empire.

I would ask you to do the same. If you take your eyes off that man, even for a moment, he is liable to do something rash.

Margrave Gautier has assumed his position, and is now gathering the lords of the eastern territories.

It may appear as if Claude is appealing to Dimitri for aid, but that is not what is happening here.

Yes. A fine example of how snap decisions based on mere appearances can lead to gross misunderstanding.

Simply put, he is not throwing himself on Dimitri's mercy. He is throwing himself on mine.

I suppose there is nothing else for it, is there? We cannot turn our backs on those in need. Let us grant him the aid he requires.

We're gonna go help Claude? I haven't seen him in forever. Wonder how he's been...

I chose this side because I believe in you, Professor. But it's not like I got anything against Claude.

Of course! Claude was the kinda person who would be instantly friends with anyone.

I got no clue what'll happen to the Alliance, but I sure hope Claude doesn't die...

Geographically, it would be hard for him to commit his forces, and logically, it wouldn't make sense for him to offer support.

Margrave Edmund does not commit troops as easily as he commits funds, so that's doubtful.

Without a doubt she is providing reinforcements. She has always supported Claude.

Whatever the situation, Claude's military strength is lacking, and what's more, they suffered casualties at Gronder Field.

I don't know how long the Alliance forces will be able to hold out against the Empire. We've got to move quickly or we may be too late.

Remember the Death Knight who stabbed me five years ago? Of course you do. How could you forget?

Well, it turns out he's a general in the Imperial army, claiming victories on dozens of battlefields.

But it looks like he's not at Derdriu. Like every man in my life, he's run away from me...

And he better run! One day, I'm gonna find that guy and pay him back for what he did to me!

With the capital recaptured, I desire to call him "Your Majesty" rather than "Your Highness."

He would refuse my desire, rightfully pointing out that he has not, as yet, been crowned.

However, the day this war has ended, and the church has placed the crown upon his head...

I must go hear the reports from our spies. There is something worrying me and—No. It can wait.


It's a beautiful town with streets that seem to float on the water and an impressive harbor.

In times of peace, it would be a wonderful place for a holiday... Anyway! Best of luck in the next battle!
Shifty Merchant

Things we can't obtain here are likely obtainable by way of the underground.

Are you unfamiliar with Garreg Mach's underground? The place is an absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground.

If you travel east from the Alliance and cross Fódlan's Throat, you enter the land of Almyra.

House Goneril's territory touches the eastern border of the Alliance. They also have Lord Holst, the most valiant warrior in the Alliance.

Tasked with keeping watch over the Almyrans' movements, he rarely leaves Goneril territory.
Knight of Seiros

Using the Great Bridge of Myrddin as a base, we'll spread out and cover as much ground as possible in our search for Her Grace.

Judging by the information we've gathered, the most suspicious location is definitely the Imperial capital.

The Hrym territory, whose leader is a mere puppet, and the Aegir territory, whose leader was deposed and disappeared...

The Empire has a lot of places with suspicious happenings. It's certainly worth investigating.

But it won't do to take too much time in relieving the Alliance army. Please, hurry.
Knight of Seiros

The Alliance leader is too demanding, and the prince is too soft-hearted. Don't you think?

They spilled much of each other's blood at Gronder. I lost a lot of friends to the Alliance...

Everyone seems on board with it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any misgivings.

It's happened. The Alliance is now little more than a battlefield. I guess that was inevitable...

I appreciate the sentiment, pal, but we can't just rush into this thing. Let's make sure we're ready, yeah?

We're short on time, but we have to go in prepared. If we lose this, we lose everything. The stakes are too damn high.

They are capable people who bear Fódlan's future on their shoulders. We can afford to lose none of them.

Yes, the future of magic is bright! Though it would be brighter if my own house's future was guaranteed.

In exchange for securing a bright future for magic in Fódlan, that is a small price to pay.

The Alliance is next on our agenda, yes? Ahaha! Watch carefully for my dazzling spellcraft!

People have always fought, I guess. Bandits and nobles clashing over territory. Things like that.

So before the war, when folks talked about how peaceful everything was, I thought, "What continent are you living on?"

I get it now. A few isolated skirmishes here and there are nothing compared to a full-blown war.


I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

I'd love to catch up, but I'm super busy right now. Working. For money. You understand.

There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.

I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.

Some folks have made their home there. Obviously they all have their reasons and tales to tell.

But only the most enterprising merchant would venture near it. My advice? Avoid going there yourself.

I hear Derdriu is our next objective. Small world. That's actually where I grew up. It's a great place.

I did indeed. I was acquainted with your parents. I've been wanting to speak with you for a while now.

Do you mind terribly picking up some fresh flowers to place upon your mother's grave?