The Rite of Rising
Explore - Chapter 3
Edelgard & Dimitri
Claude & Yuri

Well, well. The Imperial princess, the crown prince, and the next sovereign duke. Must be exhausting trying to suss out each other's intentions, huh?

Nah, we get along great. I mean, we kind of have no choice. A petty squabble could start an all-out war.

Cheeky...and off base. What do you think, friend? Do you think I'm off plotting nefarious deeds?

Even so, that's a bit much, wouldn't you say? I do what I need to get by—nothing more than that.

As for the others, they've all got their own struggles, but they're nothing if not trustworthy.

Humbling yourself while promoting your friends... Gotta say, I don't hate this side of you.

Seems we're in mutual neutrality of one another. I like that you keep your cards close. We'll get along just fine, you and I.

I've got a lot of time on my hands down here, so I've been venturing even deeper underground.

This place is loaded with winding paths and blocked-off tunnels. It's a real maze.

Only a few folks even know how to operate the gate mechanisms and hidden passages.

That's what I said. Things will shift without notice here, revealing hidden passages. Walls. Floors. Everything. Gotta stay sharp.

Actually, I'll level with you. Yuri and Constance are much better at scoping out that kind of thing, heh.

The records should be here some— Oh! Hello, Professor. It's good that you've come.

I realized that I missed an opportunity to congratulate myself on my military achievements.

Ahaha! Behold the proof that the utmost honor in combat belongs to none other than I, Constance von Nuvelle!

What a relief to get that off my chest! Now, where did Aelfric get to? I must have words with him.

Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report. The bandit sightings have stopped. For now. I still won't let my guard down, though!

What else... Notice how everyone's in high spirits? Know why? I do. It's because Master Aelfric is here.

He's real special, that one. He saved my life and lots of others here too. He's earned some hero worship.
Elderly Man

Place used to be nothing more than a den of criminals who did whatever they pleased.

Mysterious Woman

There was a time when I did much fighting. Then I was captured. Then...I escaped.

My home is far away now. My mother is waiting for me, but returning is... It is far away.